Internet Browsers
This is the software need to browse in the WWW (world wide web) or internet.there are plenty of internet browsing softwares.Windows default one is Internet explorer and in
Search Engines
The very beginning thing.Most of newbies to internet are doing this mistake.they type web address in search engines.Because most of the browsers home page is set to a search engine.Search engine are sites that help to find web pages in internet.You have to do is just type what you need to find in search engines search text box. is most famous one.And it has many functionalities such as image,video real time searching etc.. Googling is a term to search something from this.Other famous search engines like and provide directory services, news and many other things.Since we need specific information rather than some other news so I prefer than others.
Email accounts
There are many email providers but to me is best one .Because to use most of google products such as google doc, google plus,google map need gmail accounts.
Social Networking sites
I don’t think you need to guide to social networking sites.But if you are not aware about them.Just try facebook and google plus.These are the sites where most of people networking.These are facilitate Chatting,photo and video sharing,status updates,personal information sharing things. Although there are many benefits most people ruin that plus points by addict to those sites in most of times.
Social networks mean Facebook and google plus.Is that all.No.As you can see in the image there are many social networking sites that help us to build better social network.I have done my seminar presentation on Social Network Analysis you can get more information about Social Networks from that presentation here is the link. I think that’s enough for this post.I hope to post about twitter,blogs and some other useful techy stuffs in next post.Please comment and give your opinion about this post.It will be a really encouragement to raise new writer.
Thank you for reading this.Until next post cheers….!!!
By Rasika Bandara